I got involved in a night computer class. We soon had the 1st midterm exam. I began writing as fast as I could. After about 5 minutes, I glanced at my neighbor’s paper. It was blank. She didn’t know where to start. Soon people began getting up and turning in their test papers. I thought, “What’s the matter with me? Why am I so slow?” Pretty soon it was just me and the instructor. I felt a little embarrassed about making him wait. So I cut things short, without double-checking my work, and turned it in. My paper turned out to be one of the better ones in the class even tho I wasn’t done. If I had it to do again, I would keep working until the instructor made me turn it in. After all, I waited each class period until he finished his lecture! After that exam, those who got “D’s” or “F’s” quit the course. That left just half the class still attending, - 22 people.
Programming the Bubble Sort
One night about a month later, a strange thing happened. I was driving home late after the computer class. We had just been assigner the job of writing programming for a bubble sort. I said to myself, “It’s been a long day and besides I’m tired. I’ll think about the bubble sort later. But my mind refused to listen. As I was driving 70 miles per hour, my brain was computing the logic needed to program the bubble sort. Half an hour later, I had the answer when I got home. I ran into the house and jotted down 8 lines for the program and put it in my billfold. The next day I entered my program algorithm into the computer. Would you believe this, it worked perfectly the first time thru. Apparently, the brewer’s yeast I was taking was really strengthening the logic portion of my brain. You might say in this case that my brain had a mind of its own. I was able to drive safely at full speed, while calculating the most difficult computer problem I had ever done, on the back burner of my brain.
About that time one of my fellow appraisers, said he was going to drop the computer course because he could not complete the bubble sort exercise. It was a requirement for the course. But he did figure out how to do it! He figured out how to copy my program to his portion of the computer, change my name to his, and push “GO.” Bingo. He had a winning program solution that looked exactly like mine but had his name on it. I think there were a couple others in the class, which figured it out the same way. Later these very same individuals and I became involved in using our computer skills in saving the county over a million dollars per month, which will be discussed shortly. I think any minor discrepancy should be forgiven them. They learned their programming and saved tax payers millions of dollars. In this website you will read about numerous health discoveries. Just change my name to yours and press ‘GO.’ Bingo! You, your families, and friends will have all the benefits. You don’t need to feel guilty either! Just do your best to share these discoveries with others. I do not have a patent on the truth.
Soon the computer class was over. The professor wrote the names of the top 5 students on the board. I am pleased to say, I was high on the list. I have always been a “B” student. Apparently, the brewer’s yeast had catapulted me into being one of the top students in the class.
Chicken Pox Defeated
About this time, my 3 children were exposed to chicken pox. I knew that chicken pox is a disease, which attacks the nervous system. I decided to do my best to boost their immune system to minimize the effects of this miserable disease. I offered Michael and Marilyn a 500 mg vitamin “C” pill and a spoon full of Brewer’s Yeast in a glass of apple juice. Michael took the chew-able vitamin C but refused the brewer’s yeast because he did not like the taste.
Marilyn took both. They soon both came down with the chicken pox. Michael was covered with chicken pox from head to foot and his temperature soared to 103 degrees. He was very miserable. It was hard to see where the vitamin “C” pill alone had done him much good.
Marilyn on the other hand, also came down with the chicken pox. She only had 2 or 3 chicken pox on her whole body. Her temperature only went up to 99 degrees and she never felt sick at all. Do you think it is possible that brewer's yeast protected Marilyn from the ravages of this disease? Marilyn went on to become 1 of the 4 student speakers at her high school graduation of 778 students. She is currently working on completing her master's and doctor's degrees at Northwest University in Chicago. Michael went on to finish college with a B S degree and is also doing reasonably well. He still does not like brewer’s yeast. Some health professionals do recommend brewers yeast as both a cure and preventative measure for both chicken pox and shingles. It sure worked for Marilyn.
About this time I started a new nutritional routine. Instead of coffee each morning, I would take a 500 mg vitamin C pill and a teaspoon of brewer’s yeast mixed into a glass of apple juice. Brewer’s yeast is the richest source of most “B” vitamins. This was supposed to be a mild nerve enhancer or stimulant.
Brewers Yeast? |